So the 2012 Weather Channel Finals begin tonight in Oklahoma City. It's still weird to me to say "Oklahoma City" in reference to an NBA franchise. It's just wrong on so many levels, and I'm not even from Seattle.
What could have been... |
See, that's the reason I'm very conflicted about the Finals this year. With the Oklahoma City ZombieSonics playing South Beach
Hollywood as Hell for the title, there is no good outcome. A Miami victory not only validates their
premature title celebration in the summer of 2010, but it takes away my one key argument against Lebron James: he doesn't have what it takes to win a championship. Full disclosure: I've been drinking the LBJ Haterade long before "the Decision." Plus, D-Wade is a jerk.
Better than Prometheus? |
On the other hand, while the OKC Thunder is not a hard team to root for if you just consider the players on the roster, Game 1 of the Finals should be played in Seattle tonight. It's always tough when teams change cities, but it's even tougher when it's a franchise as storied as the Seattle Supersonics. It's even worse when said team was bought by an out of town owner who had no intentions on keeping them in their city, but held the city for ransom nonetheless. So, I guess what I'm saying is Clay Bennet is a jerk.
Which brings me back to square one. Who to root for? It's like what the tagline of
Alien vs. Predators so eloquently said, "Whoever Wins, We Lose!"
So after the jump, I'm going to run down all my reasons for and against rooting for each team in the Finals this year.